

Our mission is to create and maintain a business network to exchange products and services in a market for the LGBTTQ community and its partners.
We also inject capital to our members business ventures. We also give grants to our students for their education.
We protect and defend all our members business practices.

Why does the LGBTTQ Chamber exist?

  • For you to be able to support, identify, and foster businesses of the LGBTTQ community and its allies. Create and maintain a network of businesses, and professionals for an exchange of products and services within the LGBTTQ community and its ecosystem.

  • To educate in business practices such as capital raising, accounting, law, relations with government, business incubator, start-ups, expansions business development, human resources, and recruitment.

  • To do activism.

  • To assume social responsibility.

  • To create and maintain the LGBTTQ business network and identify its allies.

  • To create entrepreneurs, students and professionals.

  • To cater and encourage LGBTTQ tourism.

  • To encourage and help the country’s economy.

  • To inject capital for progress and development.